I’ve been telling creators and businesses to build an exit plan before it’s too late. The way social media algorithms are evolving. There will be only a content engine.
No Influencer, No Creator, No Social Media business. What we would have left is an AI-controlled content engine.
That engine never gives a creator or business enough time to build that connection. Or brand messaging. We all are going to be affected by this. Me too.
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November 17, 2020 - 12 min read
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So, you were using Instagram daily like 90% of other users. But now you have reached this blog about making money on Instagram.
Now you will be in the list of people who make money on Instagram.
There are myths that you need 1000's followers to make some cash on Instagram. But I started making bucks on Instagram with 57 followers.
Talking about my journey, so far I have made above $3,000 through Instagram in the last few months. But few people are carrying some myths!
Making Money on Instagram Myths:
So, Let's get to the point of making bucks on Instagram, and here comes our first way. Here comes the ways to get cash in from Instagram which has 1 billion+ active users.
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money as it's quite easy to do and you can promote any product. If you are posting about Photography, then you can simply add a link to your bio. You can add a link to your favorite camera from amazon and make money through it. If someone buys it through your link. It can be anything like a photography expert e-book or a camera module and you can make money from promoting it. Look below for a quick process of how it works!
Don't worry you don't need 10k followers to make money from shoutouts. Certain sites offer you money to sell Shoutouts as even if you only have less than 1,000 followers. But if you have 10k-100k followers you can easily get like $50-60 dollars if have about 10k followers. A person who has 100k+ followers can make $500-1,000+ from a shoutout. The prices may vary from niche-to-niche.
Websites to Sell shoutouts or Buy
Recently, I met a person who was making $10,000 dollars/month from flipping Pokemon cards. It requires only 2-3 steps to go to Local sites or E-bay and buy Pokemon cards in cheap prices. Then, sell it on Instagram to crazy fans by sharing it on your Instagram account or page. You can also flip pokemon cards on other social media sites to check or learn more about flipping pokemon cards.
Check out this Reddit thread 🔽
How to make money flipping Pokemon Cards
byu/PokemonGamerzReddit inFlipping
If you click amazing photographs or create great designs you can easily make money through them. As you can sell your photos as Lightroom presets for anywhere between $10-$100 per 10 presets. If you are a designer, then simply share your portfolio on Instagram and message people or Business asking if they need photos or designer for there upcoming Project.
So, far I have made about $500-$1000 creating designs for people on Instagram. I can help you with that just message me on my Instagram.
Do you want an E-book on making money on Instagram? ( Subscribe to Get it )
The list of people making money from coaching calls doesn't end and the amount also doesn't end anywhere. Including me, I have made $2,000+ from coaching calls.
The people that make the most money from coaching calls are either digital marketers or fitness coaches. So, far there are digital marketers in my touch making $10,000-$100,000 through coaching calls.
Dot Lung is a marketing expert, she charges more than $50,000 for training brands about marketing or if she is marketing the brand the charges are even more. Theme page owners on Instagram also charge $100-$500 for coaching and mentoring brands or people.
If you are a teenager or a person who has lost a job due to Covid-19 and has free time. Then you can be a social media manager and to be that you don't need any skills. Just a little bit of knowledge to grow your client's Instagram account which you can get through here.
My friend who lives in Canada makes $5,000+ from home. Let's see how actually he manages Instagram accounts of his 5-6 local garages and they pay him an average of $500-$1,000 per month. Same as that you can visit your locality and tell them the importance of social media in Business. So, that they can pay you for managing their social media accounts. You can also reach businesses on Instagram and ask them that you can grow their Instagram account if you manage it.
Influencer Marketing is actually now at an extreme level like the demand for influencers in the market has been increased businesses are paying $1000 per post to influencers having 10,000+ followers.
Most people know Kylie Jenner and she charges $300,000+ for one post which is equal to the cost of a Lamborghini.
Ways to Make Money as a Influencer:
Now, let me tell these ways are mainly not told by most people and who know them use it secretly without telling anyone. Some of these are highly profitable and there are Youtube videos about them also but Instagram is against it.
Instagram doesn't promote the selling of Instagram accounts but its highly profitable. I have seen youtubers like Jared west and Biaheza who sold $30 Instagram account in $1000+ dollars.
In a particular video, 'Jared west' sold an Instagram theme-page about dogs for $20-40 dollars which had only 2,000 followers.
This is how Flipping Instagram Accounts work:
It's a simple trick in which you have to contact big pages and ask them for how much they charge for a Shoutouts. Simply like that you have to contact about 10-20 pages and create a shoutout pack. Then sell it to business or people who want to promote their account. After that charge them, according to how much profit you want to get out of it.
You must have seen Instagram story filters and Gifs on Instagram but you don't know that you can make money from Creating Instagram story filters.
First thing, you can create an Instagram Story filter through adobe Spark AR and after creating them. You can directly find them on Instagram. 'Infra' is a famous story filter and the person who created it has worked with 100's of brands and they have paid them for his work.
You can easily sell products that trend on Instagram and which include products like Cloudlights, slime, and many more. There are two ways to promote your products either you promote them through ads or big pages. You can also use Instagram influencers and also tiktokers.
Most of the brands will don't find you but there are nowadays websites that are there for you and also brands to find influencers. Have a look down to see them:
Best Affiliate Networks for promoting on Instagram so far are below:
Instagram has introduced IGTV ads for a number of Instagram influencers. Now, they can get revenue from ads from Instagram. This feature will be available for all in the next few years.
Instagram has also introduced live Badges in which when you are live your fans or friends can send badges of $1-$6 dollars and that badges will be converted into money and the money will be transferred to your paypal or bank account like $1 of badge= $1 in your Bank.
You can also make money from instagram by starting a Print-on-demand store and make money from it by creating a theme page about niches like cats and dogs. Then, you can sell shirts with cat designs or may be dogs.
These were the secret ways and what all I know and if you want another ways to make money. Then subscribe to this blog as our next Post is about 30+ ways to make money online!